Digital Portfolio During Crisis Situation for Senior High Work Immersion: A Tool for Performance-Based Assessment


  • Mark G. Suico Department of Education – Davao City Division
  • Rosie L. Langotan Department of Education – Davao City Division


crisis situation, digital portfolio, senior high school, technical-vocational-livelihood, work immersion


This study investigated the overall impression of learners on the usefulness of using a digital portfolio as a performance-based assessment tool for senior high school work immersion during a crisis where actual fieldwork is prohibited. The study was conducted using a descriptive design. Through random sampling, the study had 128 Grade 12 Technical-Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Track students, as respondents, from A. L. Navarro National High School, Davao City Division. Data were gathered using an adapted questionnaire. The statistical tools were mean and standard deviation. The results showed an overall mean of 4.36, a description of very high with a standard deviation of 0.62. The result indicates that the learners strongly agreed on the usefulness of using the digital portfolio as a performance-based assessment tool in times of crisis. A wider use of the digital portfolio is suggested to further examine its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Suico, M., & Langotan, R. (2024). Digital Portfolio During Crisis Situation for Senior High Work Immersion: A Tool for Performance-Based Assessment. Multicultural Education Journal. Retrieved from