Exploring the Implications of Millennial Characteristics in Learning Filipino Language: A Phenomenological Study


  • Kuinnie Ailyn F. Balista Nasipit National Vocational School Nasipit, Agusan del Norte
  • Fe S. Bermiso Philippine Normal University Mindanao


characteristics, Filipino, implications, millennials, teaching


This study aimed to explore the prominent characteristics of millennial students and their implications in learning the Filipino Language. The participants were composed of five students, five teachers, and five parents selected using Purposive Criterion Sampling. Data were collected through interviews and Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Data saturation was used as the basis for stopping the collection of qualitative data. Using Colaizzi's Phenomenological Descriptive Method, significant statements were extracted and themes were identified. The findings revealed that millennials are modern, innovative, creative, and gadget-oriented. On the other hand, it has been observed that millennials exhibit weaknesses in the Filipino subject, particularly in vocabulary, study habits, self-confidence, and focus on learning. These challenges are attributed to the influence of technology and various social media platforms that distract them from concentrating on their study. The characteristics discovered require additional support from the education sector and their parents. Furthermore, based on the findings of the study, it is recommended for the school to design or strengthen the existing language proficiency programs, if any, within the curriculum to address specific challenges related to Filipino vocabulary. It is also recommended for the school to design and offer workshops or programs to enhance study skills among millennials. This may involve teaching effective study techniques, time management, and strategies for maintaining focus amid distractions.


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How to Cite

Balista, K. A., & Bermiso, F. (2024). Exploring the Implications of Millennial Characteristics in Learning Filipino Language: A Phenomenological Study. Multicultural Education Journal. Retrieved from https://pnuminresearchportal.org/publication/index.php/mej/article/view/19