General Education Science and Mathematics Courses of the Outcomes-Based Teacher Education Curriculum of Philippine Normal University-Mindanao: Intents and Actualities


  • Kevin Hope Z. Salvaña Department of Education-Caraga
  • Adelyn M. Costelo-Abrea Philippine Normal University - Mindanao


course description, course intended learning outcomes, general education courses, outcomes-based teacher education curriculum


The shifting of the Philippine Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) prompted the Philippine Normal University (PNU) System to change its curriculum by adhering to the Commission on Higher Education’s (CHED) policy-standard to enhance higher education through Outcomes-based Education (OBE). The university crafted and operated the Outcomes-based Teacher Education Curriculum (OBTEC) to address the changes and at the same time to respond internationally. This research assessed the alignment of the course descriptions of both General Education Science and Mathematics courses based on CHED Revised General Education Curriculum (CMO no. 20, s. 2013) using content analysis. It also assessed the Course Intended Learning Outcomes (intents) based on students' performance to see the actualities (observations) after the first implementation of OBTEC among 156 respondents through their assessment mean scores and percentage. Based on the data gathered, PNU OBTEC's Science and Mathematics courses in General Education Curriculum are aligned with DepEd and CHED standards. Moreover, most of the intents across all General Education Science and Mathematics Courses are most achieved by the students and few of the intents are least achieved. From these least achieved intents, it is recommended that PNU-Mindanao needs more improvements in the instruction of Science and Mathematics to better facilitate the learning of students in achieving the curriculum's intents.


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How to Cite

Salvaña, K. H., & Costelo-Abrea, A. (2021). General Education Science and Mathematics Courses of the Outcomes-Based Teacher Education Curriculum of Philippine Normal University-Mindanao: Intents and Actualities. Multicultural Education Journal. Retrieved from