Vaccine Literacy Among Filipinos: Extent and Provisions – An Integrative Review
Vaccine Education, Vaccine Literacy, Integrative ReviewAbstract
Vaccine literacy is a crucial factor that affects the vaccination rate among Filipinos. The focus in this integrative review is to provide an overview of the vaccine literacy of the Filipinos exploring on the extent and provisions for its development. There were forty-two (42) articles perused within the year 2011-2021 under the Philippine context. Results elucidated poor level of vaccine literacy, high level of vaccine hesitancy, weak vaccine education and literacy programs, potentiality of multisectoral approach towards public vaccine education, and improved science-based communication method. Indeed, education is still one of the solutions in solving local and global problems. Thus, vaccine literacy should be prioritized in health programs, integrated in education system, and promoted among general public.
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