Exploring the Code-Switching Functions in Grade 7 Mathematics Classrooms: Implications to Teaching and Learning
classroom interaction, code-switching, learningAbstract
This qualitative study examined the code-switching patterns of the Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in their classroom interactions. Data were collected through class observations and individual interviews of the teacher and student participants. This investigation selected the samples purposively to include only the teachers who allowed the observation to occur in their classes. The qualitative data were analyzed using Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method. Results of the investigation revealed that teachers’ code-switching patterns majorly served the following functions: (1) directive; (2) referential; (3) expressive; and (4) phatic. In addition, using codeswitching was helpful to teachers and students, especially in clearing house of ideas and clarifying instructions. Despite the positive effects of code-switching on students' learning, the quality of interaction between the teacher and the students was not enough to improve students' performance. Thus, code-switching should complement instructional strategies that allow students to think critically and solve problems effectively.
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