A Structural Equation Model on the Application of Total Quality Management of SBM Level 3 Schools of Surigao Del Sur Division
Caring leadership, organization citizenship behavior (OCB), school-based management (SBM), structural equation modeling, total quality management (TQM), work ethicsAbstract
Total Quality Management (TQM) and School-based Management (SBM) are the two powerful forces that have emerged in education, each with the potential to transform schools and nurture influential leaders. This study sought to investigate the Implementation of SBM and TQM practices in SBM Level 3 schools in the Surigao del Sur Division, addressing challenges related to leadership, change resistance, awareness, and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The researcher selected individuals using stratified random sampling within the specified Division. Through face-to-face data collection, 477 respondents completed the questionnaires, including 17 school heads, 227 teachers, 99 stakeholders, and 134 students—the descriptive-correlational
technique analyzed data with mean, Pearson r, regression, and structural equation modelling. Findings revealed very high levels of caring leadership, work ethics, TQM, and high-level OCB. A positive relationship between caring leadership, OCB, and work ethics significantly influenced TQM implementation in SBM Level 3 schools. Model 5 demonstrated the best fit, supported by high goodness-of-fit indices. Based on these results, the division office of SBM level 3 schools can focus on developing caring leadership among school heads through targeted workshops. Additionally, seminars for all staff members, including teaching and non-teaching staff aim at enhancing work ethics and TQM. These initiatives may emphasize personal development, ethical technology use, and cultivating a responsible and polite culture, which is crucial for improving teamwork, communication, and overall school performance. The study also underscores the significance of fostering conscientiousness and courtesy as part of OCB and choosing the suitable TQM model to improve school effectiveness.
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