Pronunciation Difficulties in Segmental Phonemes of Multicultural Grade 8 Students


  • Elvie Lyka L. Duran Surigao del Sur State University - Cantilan
  • Sophia B. Aloy Philippine Normal University - Mindanao


multicultural, pronunciation difficulties, segmental phonemes


The study examined the segmental difficulties in pronunciation of multicultural Grade 8 students of Carrascal National High School by identifying their profile in terms of the first language spoken (L1), second language spoken (L2), and ethnicity. It also examined the students' pronunciation difficulties on segmental phonemes of vowels and consonants in words. It used a descriptive method to describe the phenomenon of interest where 134 respondents answered the Personal Profile and performed the Oral Test conducted by the researcher and her co-raters. It utilized the mean and mean percentages to determine the respondents' profiles regarding L1 and L2 spoken and ethnic groups. Meanwhile, the number of errors recorded by the three raters in producing the sound determined the pronunciation difficulties of the respondents. The researcher obtained the mean number of errors from the raters and compared them to the total number of words with the target sound. Results showed that [ɛ] was difficult to produce in words among the vowel sounds, particularly to Kamayo, Maranao, and Chavacano, upon reaching at least 50% of errors. Among the consonant sounds, the respondents' production of [Ʒ] was difficult. With the findings of the study, it is recommended that students be provided with varied interactive activities and authentic speech drills to improve their communicative competence. Moving towards multiculturalism, teachers should assist students in developing their ability to speak better, whatever their dialects.


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How to Cite

Duran, E. L., & Aloy, S. (2021). Pronunciation Difficulties in Segmental Phonemes of Multicultural Grade 8 Students. Multicultural Education Journal. Retrieved from