Analysis of Global and Local Errors in the Written Compositions of Manobo Students
academic writing, error analysis, global and local error, outcomebased, teacher-educationAbstract
Tertiary students incurred errors in their written compositions in their second language acquisition and learning. This quantitative study identified, categorized, and analyzed the errors in the essays of the Philippine Normal University Mindanao Outcomes Based Teacher Education Curriculum (OBTEC) Manobo Students. Using purposive sampling, the research identified five second year and nine third year students who were reasonably proficient in their linguistic skills in Manobo as their mother tongue (L1) through a self-reported proficiency survey questionnaire. Frequency and Percentage distribution categorized the errors of the respondents' manuscripts. Findings revealed that there were numerous errors in the morphological structures of the students’ L1 which may have an influence on their written composition. Paired Sample T-test determined no significant difference in the students’ local and global errors which meant that both should be given attention. It was recommended that the syllabi for English for Academic Purposes (Eng 02), a general course, should be revised to focus on the teaching of grammar prior to paragraphs and discourse writing. Remedial materials could be designed to improve students’ coherence in their writing. Academicians and researchers could benchmark and conduct similar studies in their local settings.
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